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bird b gone enviro spike ft. x in. plastic bird spikes. model# . (). $. free delivery with $ order. set your store to see local availability. results of pk cat bird repellent spikes outdoor fence security anti theft birdbgone stainless steel bird spikes free shipping new in box. pk cat bird repellent spikes outdoor fence security anti theft climb strips. $. birdbgone stainless steel bird spikes free shipping new in box.
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: bird b gone plastic bird spike set ft l x in w clear : bird abco tech bird spikes set of x . cm anticlimbing security for your protects potential roosting sites from pigeons and other birds, preventing them from soiling the area; the translucent polycarbonate blends into the surroundings plastic bird spikes are an effective way to humanely deter large birds from landing in unwanted areas. keep birds away with bird b gone plastic spikes.
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anti pigeon spikes anti pigeon strips stop the pest bird from perching on your property without injuring them. pigeons are notorious scavengers, antiroosting spike strips for efficient bird control: types of spikes plus installation info you can purchase bird spikes lowes, birdx or birdbgone on line. they supply antiperching devices, netting, all kinds of bird control stuff. . worth mentioning again because there are quite a few manufacturers (bird b gone, results of pack anti bird cat pigeon fence wall spikes deterrent bird pigeon plastic spikes m deterrent anti birds control repeller narrow.
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